Quick Info

Name: Kaylin

Pronouns: Any/All

Age: Student

Site info

Last update:


About Me

Hi! My name is Kaylin and I am an internet user! My pronouns are any/all, and (as of the last website update) I am a college student.

My site contains examples of my interests, projects, socials, fun internet things (soon), and my testing grounds. It's still a WIP, so expect changes to be made

Credits and Praise

This website was partially made to learn more about HTML and CSS, although I borrowed so much code from almost sweet. It wouldn't look like this without them! I did change a couple things in the CSS file, and I'll eventually be making this my own design!

Other resources I used include favicon.io and pixilart for the favicon and sadgrl for tutorials, help, and other fun things. W3Schools helped a lot with some of the more fancy features! Also, MLP-VectorClub was used to get some of the color palatte!

Motivation also came from Shadok's Loveweb series and Tumblr mutual Kodicraft's Website (now on Cohost!).

Apparently I inspired Tumblr mutual Ovalbrain to make a website!

oh yeah heres a to-do: finish art (?), fun stuff pages; add images (?)